Koala in tree photo by Dave Gallan


Koala surveys and research

NSW Far South Coast post-fire koala survey (2020) – PDF download 5.3MB – NSW Saving our Species funded a post-fire survey of koalas and their habitat in the 25,000 hectare NSW Far South Coast koala study area between March and October 2020. The survey methods and results are presented in this report.  Find out more about the South Coast koala conservation project.

Koala Report NSW Far South Coast. Report on koala surveys undertaken in 2005 in the NSW Far South Coast Region

Koala surveys in the coastal forests of the Bermagui-Mumbulla area: 2007-09 – An interim report. Report on koala surveys undertaken in 2007-9 in the Bermagui-Mumbulla area in the NSW Far South Coast Region
Koala survey – Kooraban and Gulaga National Parks and adjacent lands 2010-2011. Report on koala surveys undertaken in 2010-11 in the Kooraban and Gulaga National Parks and adjacent lands in the NSW Far South Coast Region
Report on surveys conducted in 2012-2014 for Koalas in coastal forests in the Bermagui/Mumbulla area of South eastern NSW.  Report on koala surveys undertaken in 2012-14 in the Bermagui-Mumbulla area in the NSW Far South Coast Region

Corridors and Core Habitats for Koalas: Project activities, outcomes and reports

Nutritional Correlates of Koala Persistence in a Low-Density Population – research exploring how koalas’ browse selection in the Bermagui-Mumbulla area is influenced by chemical composition of leaves

Using Passive Acoustic Recording and Automated Call Identification to Survey Koalas in the Southern Forests of New South Wales – another method for assessing koala distribution

Distribution surveys and management recommendations for the koala (Phascolarctos cinerius) in Wallaga Lake National Park and Goura Nature Reserve (1999) (PDF)

Far South Coast NSW koala survey & monitoring 2005 (PDF)

Genetics and Disease

Management of Small, Isolated, Coastal Population of Koalas in Southeast New South Wales. Final report from the Koala Health Hub, University of Sydney detailing genetic and disease analysis of koala pellets from the Bermagui-Mumbulla area in the NSW Far South Coast Region


Comparison of Koala Surveys in South-Eastern NSW Coastal Forests 2007-2009 & 2010-2013. The foundational report for the koala monitoring program in the Bermagui-Mumbulla area in the NSW Far South Coast Region


Koala’s and the people of South Eastern Australia. Researching the cultural significance of the Koala Dreamtime Ancestor in South Eastern Australia

Koalas in the coastal and hinterland areas of SENSW – Consulting with the Aboriginal Community. Consulting with Aboriginal people about koalas in the Far South Coast region, undertaken in 2006

Koala Surveys and Monitoring – Working with Aboriginal People A presentation highlighting the contribution of Aboriginal people to koala conservation  in the Bermagui-Mumbulla area of the Far South Coast Region

Protecting our Places Program 2017 – Application by Indigenous Firesticks Alliance to undertake a cultural burning program in the Bermagui-Mumbulla area in the NSW Far South Coast Region

Koala Project Update – presentation to the Biamanga National Park Board – June 2017

Fire Management

Koalas, Fire Management & Habitat Rehabilitation in SE NSW. A presentation to the National Koala Conference – June 2017

Is there an inherent conflict in managing fire for people and conservation? Fire simulation modelling research undertaken by the University of Melbourne exploring the most effective options for reducing the impact of fire on koalas and human life and property

Plans of Management

Plan of Management Yuin Banggurii (Mountain) Parks. The plan developed by the Biamanga and Gulaga National Parks boards of management with majorities of traditional owners for the care of their country

Murrah Flora Reserves Draft Final Working Working Plan. Plan of Management for the Murrah Flora Reserves, prepared by the Stakeholder Steering committee representing Aboriginal, agency, industry, landholder and community interests

South East NSW Other Areas

Koala Survey in Hinterland & Escarpment Forests to SW of Bega 2009-10. A report of the koala survey undertaken in the Tantawangalo and Yurammie Forests, which were identified in the 1990’s as one of two important areas for koalas remaining in the region

Towards a Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for North East Monaro. This report on the koala habitat study of the eastern part of the shire funded by the NSW Environment Trust that was undertaken to guide the development of a Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for the Cooma-Monaro Shire Council

Distribution surveys and management recommendations for the koala (Phascolarctos cinerius) in the Mundoonen Nature Reserve (1999) (PDF)

Distribution surveys and management recommendations for the koala (Phascolarctos cinerius) in the Numerella area (1999) (PDF)

Koala surveys at The Snowy River Bush Retreat November 2003 (PDF)
Distribution surveys, habitat assessment and management recommendations for the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in the Shoalhaven Gorge region of NSW (2003) (PDF)

NSW General

Inquiry into the Status, Health and Sustainability of Australia’s Koala Population – Final report of the Senate Inquiry 2010

Estimating Koala populations and trends in South Eastern NSW. Estimating Koala populations and trends in South Eastern NSW. Report prepared for the Threatened Species Scientific Committee to assist its assessment on the listing of the Koala as a threatened species under the EPBC Act

Report of the Independent Review into the Decline of Koala Populations in Key Areas of NSW. NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, December 2016

NSW Koala Strategy. An initiative of the NSW Government in response to the Chief Scientists report on koalas, providing a foundation, defining priorities and establishing the funding base for koala conservation across the state for at least the next three years

NSW Koala Strategy – What’s in it for the SENSW coastal, hinterland and southern tablelands forests? A discussion paper on the potential contribution of the NSW Koala Strategy to local koala conservation initiatives

A review of koala tree use across New South Wales. In this report, evidence of koala tree use was sourced from written reports and published research articles concerning koala habitat, as well as from personal communications with koala experts and local koala carers. Tree use levels were designated based upon informed interpretation and qualitative standardisation of available evidence from these sources

NSW Koala Research Plan 2019-28. In parallel with taking action, the Research Plan describes research proposed to improve knowledge about koalas, the effective mitigation of threats, and the social and economic opportunities for successful implementation of koala recovery strategies